确定进口的船期,等船到以后。开始进行进口的操作。一、首先是要提供到货通知书、正本提单或电放保函换取单二、将货物提至海关监管仓库三、准备进口报关所需单证 :1.必备单证:清单、 、合同一式一份、报关、报检委托书各一份2.从欧盟、美国、韩国、日本进口货物,如是木制包装箱的需提供热处理 或植物检疫 ,如是非木制的提供无木制包包装。3.税则所规定的各项 (如进口许可证、机电证、重要工业品 )4.有减免税手册的提供减免税证明手册。四、进口申报后如海关审价需要,客户需提供相关价格证明。如信用证、原厂 保单、原厂 、招标书等海关所要求的文件。五、海关打印税单后,客户需在7个工作日缴纳税费。如超过期限,海关按日计征滞纳金。六、报关查验放行后,即可提货回家(仓库)。另: 货物到港后十四日内必需向海关申报。如超过期限海关按日计征滞报金(按货物价值万分之五)超过三个月,海关将作无主货物进行变卖!!七、缴税后即可提货放行。
Determine the time of shipment for import, and wait until the ship arrives. Start the import operation.
I. first of all, it is necessary to provide the notice of arrival, the original bill of lading or the telerelease guarantee exchange note
II. Delivery of goods to customs supervised warehouse
3. Prepare the documents required for import declaration:
1. Necessary documents: list, contract in one copy, power of attorney for customs declaration and inspection application in one copy
2. For imported goods from EU, US, South Korea and Japan, heat treatment or plant quarantine shall be provided for wooden packing case, and non wooden packing shall be provided for non wooden packing case.
3. All items specified in the tax rules (such as import license, mechanical and electrical license, and important industrial products) 4. Provide tax reduction and exemption certificate manual if there is tax reduction and exemption manual.
IV. after the import declaration, if the customs needs to review the price, the customer shall provide relevant price certificates. Such as letter of credit, original factory policy, original factory, tender and other documents required by the customs.
V. after the customs prints the tax form, the customer shall pay the tax within 7 working days. If the time limit is exceeded, the customs will charge overdue fine on a daily basis.
Vi. after customs declaration, inspection and release, the goods can be taken home (warehouse). In addition: the goods must be declared to the Customs within 14 days after arrival. If the overdue declaration fee is collected by the Customs on a daily basis (5 / 10000 of the value of the goods) for more than three months, the customs will sell the goods without owner!!
7. The goods can be picked up and released after paying taxes.