


  • 公司: 上海圆高塑化科技有限公司
  • 地址: 上海市清浦区练塘镇章练塘路588弄15号1幢2层4区113室
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2019-09-23 12:44:02  536次浏览 次浏览
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德国巴斯夫 Ultraform POM N2770K 注射成型 耐磨损性良好 款到发货 当天发货


Ultraform H2320 006 UNC Q600 is a POM with high molecular weight grade for injection molding.

Ultraform H2320 004 High-molecular-weight grade for the extrusion of small thin-walled tubes and also of panels.

Ultraform H4320 High-molecular-weight grade for the extrusion of semifinished product

Ultraform N2310 P Q600 is a general-purpose injection molding POM grade containing special lubricant.

Ultraform N2320 003 UNC Q600 is a rapidly freezing general-purpose injection-molding POM grade.

Ultraform N2320C BK120 Q600 is a pigmented black, Electro Statically Dissipative (ESD) POM for injection molding applications.

Ultraform N2640Z2 UNC Q600 is an elastomer-modified injection molding POM grade with high impact strength.

Ultraform N2640Z4 UNC Q600 is a high toughness, elastomer-modified injection molding POM grade.

Ultraform N2640Z6 UNC is an elastomer-modified injection molding POM grade with excellent impact strength.

Ultraform N2200G43 Injection molding grade for parts requiring high stiffness and strength together with good mold release.

Ultraform N2200G43 Injection molding grade for parts requiring high stiffness and strength together with good mold release.

Ultraform N2310P General-purpose injection molding grade containing special lubricant.

Ultraform N2320 003 Rapidly solidifying standard grade for injection molding.

Ultraform N2520L This grade has reduced electrical surface resistivity.

Ultraform N2720 M210 UNC Q600 is a 10% mineral filled injection molding POM grade for low warpage parts

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